Six Week Challenge Stories
Theresa K. Age 26. 40lbs Lost
I joined the most recent " 6 Week Challenge," through INTENT Coaching in Woodridge on a total whim. I had been feeling uncomfortable about myself and my health for a while, but as a lot of us do, I got used to settling for "good enough", was successful in other areas in my life, and used this to justify my bad decisions.
At the time I saw the Facebook advertisement I guess you could say everything had changed . I was laid off from my job, broke up with my fiance', my car was kaput, and suddenly I had to decide what I wanted out of life moving forward.
Through the " 6 week challenge" I learned that there are no limits to the potential that each one of us possess. I stopped using my advancing age, and genetics as an excuse, I shut up, and I listened to what the trainers had to say. I took the last bit of money I had left to my name and said enough already, that it was time to invest in myself for once.
Both Mary Ann and Rick progress in a way when they teach that you always feel challenged, but never defeated. They call it a challenge for a reason, IT'S NOT EASY!! But I tell you I went from a person who was barely able to walk up a flight of stairs, to someone who is almost 20 pounds lighter, stronger than ever, and starting to see definition in my body I didn't even have in my skinny days.
Mary Ann and Rick don't treat these work outs as a casual job or hobby, they live THEIR lives with Intent, while challenging you to do the same. All of the instructors modify depending on your fitness level with no hesitation. There are no excuses or justifications, but in case you do have a "bad" day, Intent is there to get you back on track without judgement. I just can't say enough.
I have tried a lot of gyms, programs, trainers, you name it, but no other program has provided me with the resources, along with the training itself that Intent has. I feel prepared for the success to come and the physical results are phenomenal. Six weeks go by in the blink of an eye, invest in yourself, your health, your future, with Intent Interval Fitness in Woodridge, I guarantee you won't regret it!
Chris P. Age 41. 25lbs Lost
I was not happy with where I was in life or where I was at physically and mentally. I got stuck in the rut of life and became very sedentary and had a lot of bad habits that were killing me. I knew I wanted to make changes but didn't just want to do the same ole same ole with a common gym membership. I was looking for guidance and a push and something outside the box with physical activity! While on Facebook a ad pops up for a physical challenge....and for some reason it intrigued me. I wanted to check it out, what could it hurt. worst case scenario I could say no and walk away. I made the appointment and met with Mary Ann. I was shocked that it wasn't a pressure sale to join a gym. Mary Ann was genuine, upfront, honest and made no promises, or guarentees....and said it was on (ME)! She would be there to Guide and push me through the challenge.
After that I knew I found the place that would get me to where I wanted to go. Mid October 2016 I joined Intent! a 6 week challenge that would end just after Thanksgiving. When I started I had a lot of joint pain from my youth in organized sports and power lifting, could get easily winded slowly walking up a flight of stairs, and weighed 235lbs. on a 5' 5" inch frame.
Since the challenge ended on Black Friday I have lost in excess of 20-25lbs., lost inches everywhere, have downgraded the size of clothing I wear, feel fricking fantastic both physically and mentally. I have made leaps and bounds with my physicality and know I still have some goals to accomplish. This is why I became an Intent member. I know I will meet all the goals I set for myself with success! because of the awesome trainers here at Intent...
Harriet S. Age 37. 10lbs Lost
I started my 6 week fitness challenge with INTENT on Oct 17, 2016.
After trying numerous diets, and diet pills year after year, I was still 191 lbs and feeling huge. My self esteem was dropping, was self loathing was increasing. I hated the way I looked and worse how I felt. I suffered from GERD which is a reflux disease, my knees hurt, my back hurt, my husband had to push me off the couch, help me up off the floor and i had to hold my breath to bend over. The 6 week challenge came across my facebook page and I instantly felt better. It was crazy. I met with Coach Mary Ann and knew this was where I needed to be. I signed up, she didn't pressure me or anything, she was honest and didn't try to sell me a load of what she thought I wanted to hear. She told me it will be hard, i needed to make the changes outside of INTENT if I wanted to change. I did 6 weeks of intense workouts, with coaches there to support and motivate me, I cried when I left some of the classes. I loved/hated the coaches. And I changed my eating habits. I lost only six pounds. But I cheated a couple of times, and I still lost inches. I felt great!! My GERD was gone, my knees didn't hurt, I can get off the floor and the couch by myself. My clothes fit better, and I feel, I look fantastic! The coaches are the BEST around, they care about me and my success. I joined INTENT after the challenge was over, and Eagerly look forward to my classes.